Whole 30 – Day 1

Whole 30

Day 1

After a successful previous nights drinking, day 1 of W30 proceeded. A final goodbye to my binge drinking Irish ways. I fear that a relapse of social alcoholism will pop its little ugly head again at some stage throughout my W30 and again at Christmas and again at every major event in my social calendar. It will be the hardest part of W30. It’s not because I’m a fully fledged alcoholic, I’m a social drinker. I use it as a tool for conversation and doing crazy shit, basically. It is fun but is something that I will need to abstain from if I want to lead a successful and healthy life but having said that Tequila and red wine in moderation as part of a paleo lifestyle does sound exciting.

Basically my first day of W30 consisted of me, sleeping until 1pm, showering and drinking copious amounts of loose leaf Ceylon tea while feeling sorry for myself. My futile attempts to make my 2pm class deepened my self-pity and put me behind my current workload, which is obviously another stress to add to the long list of work that currently needs done anyways.

So what I ate:

Dinner- Baked Salmon with lemon, salt, pepper and olive oil on a bed of grilled aubergine and steamed spinach (it was fucking lovely by the way)

After dinner eats – Peach and quarter a baby watermelon

What I drank:

More celyon tea


Bed – Midnight

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