What Happens Next?

Well as I haven’t re-introduced anything to my diet there is not much to say but I will update you guys with a few things that have been on my mind, my weight and my measurements etc.

Its been 3 days since my last whole 30 haha, well 3 days since it officially finished. The following days never felt considerably difficult, although going to a friends party we were both tempted with alcohol but 1 glass of red wine and it gave me a slight headache so I didn’t have any more. Not good for an Irish man!

My whole 30 experience was both successful and unsuccessful. Let me explain, I never followed the rules exactly, I cheated somewhat – I weighed myself after the first week. To my surprise I lost 1 Stone (15lbs) in the first week alone…first thoughts were wow, how could this happen etc. I continued to weigh myself every week and have not lost any more weight since the first week, which I think is slightly strange but hey its weight gone!

Here are my measurements, before and after:






Height 5’6″  5’6″
Weight 15.5 (217 lbs) 14.3 (200 lbs)
Chest 46″ 43″
Waist 42″ 36″
Hips 44.5″ 41″
Thigh 24″ 21″
Calf 16″ 16″
Upper Arm 13″ 13″
Forearm 11″ 11″

Overall I am quite happy with this, especially the initial weight loss was in the first week although this is not just to lose weight, I want to lead a healthy lifestyle. I am slightly disappointed that throughout the rest of the month my weight did not fluctuate much but as I said already, its not about just losing weight. I only started exercising and cycling about 2 weeks into the whole 30 program and feel that I have built up some muscle and I have definitely noticed the size of my body in particular my belly and chest. Hopefully this is my body fat percentage lowering and I like it!

Shirts I bought that never fitted me now fit well, my hoodies which never would zip up comfortably now zip up without any problems. I have gone down 3 holes in my belt and my trousers are much looser. So overall it was pretty successful.

There is a slight down side though, I seemed to have developed gout. My big toe on my right foot has been slightly painful for the last week or so, I originally thought it was due to upping my exercise and maybe a side effect of cycling so much, I wasn’t completely sure. While reading about paleo breakfasts last night I came across the potential increased risk of gout while on a paleo diet, having researched it further all the symptoms are exactly the same. I have made an appointment with my local gp for next week so hopefully she can tell me yay or ney. Fucking gutted if it is but after further reading this could also be due to the substantial weight loss in a short period of time with a lower calorie intake, I’m not exactly sure at the moment.

Ah well fuck it, its not the end of the world, just want to sort it out asap before any kind of kidney stones develop because I hear they are fucking painful!